The taboo in furniture use.
Window make a bed
Because of the living environment, many houses use windowsills as sleeping beds. Can MAKE the best use of things so, increase the width of the bed. Although THESE METHODS CAN MAKE FULL USE of the area OF windowsILL, BUT WHEN MORPHEUS IS NOT CAREFUL, CAN BREAK GLASS OR CAUSE THE TRAGEDY OF HUMAN LIFE CASUALTY. Especially children’s bed should not be too close to the windowsill, because their curiosity is heavy, often can be attracted by things outside the window and look out of the window or climb out of the window frame, can cause dangerous accident. So, THE SLEEPING BED POSITION OF CHILDREN IS BEST PUT AT NEAR CORNER POSITION. In THE MEANTIME, THE WINDOW INSIDE HOUSE DOES NOT WANT TOO MUCH OR TOO LOW, WANT INDOOR AIR CIRCULATION TO HAVE NO PROBLEM ONLY. Because SLEEP THE BED IS TOO CLOSE TO THE WINDOW, IF THE WINDOW AND THE STREET ARE TOO CLOSE, WHEN MORPHEUS IS LIKE SLEEPING ON THE STREET GENERAL. Exposure to thunder, lightning or light can lead to sleep deprivation and psychological fear. In FACT, FENG SHUI IS also psychology and environmental science, as long as the environment is properly improved to meet the FENG Shui Tao, it is not a matter of superstition.
The head of a bed on an empty
Sleep A BED IS TO USE AS THE PLACE THAT RESTS, IF THE BED IS LEFT EMPTY, LACK SENSE OF SECURITY, CAN HAVE UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING. The so-called empty means that there is no back mountain or backer. When we sleep or dream, our bodies move around imperceptibly, and the head can get out of the bed and get hurt.